GriefShare at St Andrew's

At various stages of life we will all suffer the death of a loved one. How we react to that experience will be different for all of us and our experience of grief is never the same from one person to another. GriefShare is a support group for such times. Our GriefShare group is for anyone who has lost a loved one, whether recently or not. See more details about the course below and get in touch if you would like to know when our next course is running.
After the funeral, the cards have stopped coming, most people around you have returned to their normal lives, but for you it isn't a time of normality. Often family and friends try to help but are at a loss to know how. That's why GriefShare exists.
Our group is led not by experts in counselling, but by people who care, and, having experienced grief for themselves have managed to rebuild their lives.
We've been there so, although your grief will be individual to you, we understand something of what you are going through, having been in the same place. We would love to walk with you through what can often be a long path, through grief, toward healing and hope for the future.
GriefShare is a support group that meets sometimes weekly and in what we hope is a warm, caring environment that will provide an 'oasis' on your journey.
There are three parts to the GriefShare experience:
1. A video seminar, information packed videos featuring leading grief recovery experts, most of whom have also shared an experience of losing a loved one.
2. Support group, small group discussion about the weekly video content. You are never forced to speak and may just want to listen to other members comments.
3. Workbook. Some personal study exercises to help you work through the weekly session and reinforce the topics dealt with.
Topics include:
- Is this normal?
- The journey of grief
- Challenges of grief
- Grief and your relationships
- Guilt and Anger
- Why?
- Complicating factors
- What do I live for now?
The groups follow a 13 week cycle which you can join at any point as each session is self contained, so you needn't follow them in sequence, you can always catch up any you've missed on the next 13 week cycle.
If you have any questions or would like to know when the next course is running, please fill out this form below and somebody will get back to you as soon as possible.