Growth Groups

At the heart of church life at St Andrew’s are our Growth Groups. As a larger church, we recognise that our Sunday services don’t always provide an opportunity for close relationships to develop within our church family. So our Growth Groups are small groups of people who meet in homes or at church to study the Bible, to pray together and to encourage one another through the ups and downs of life. We do all these things because our growth groups are ultimately about lovingly helping one another become more like Jesus, and we’re convinced that happens through applying God’s word to our lives, so we’re often studying the same passages as we’re looking at in our Sunday services. We meet weekly during term time, except for the week of our monthly Church Family Prayer meeting to free everyone up to come together to pray.
We’ve groups happening on several evenings of the week, and during the day too (we have a qwomen's bible study, with a crèche on a Wednesday), and we’d love to help you connect with a group.
Please get in touch if you’d like to know more!
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