Youth & Children

We have lots going on here at St Andrew’s for children and young people. Starting with our Baby and Toddler group, right through to ‘StAY’ for our 14-18 year olds.
The exact mix of activities we run varies from time to time, if you have any questions or would like to know more about any group please contact our church office or speak to a member of the staff team.
Sunday Mornings
Creche, Bible Tots, Climbers, Explorers
We make special provision for children at our 10.30am service. We run a range of fun Bible-based activities for all children aged between 18 months and 14 years and also a managed crèche for babies and toddlers aged 0-18 months, if parents want it. All our groups are run by fully DBS and child protection-trained members of the church family who love children/young people and love to teach them about Jesus from the Bible in an age-appropriate way.
Our older youth group, StAY for 14-18 year olds (school years 10-13), meet after our evening service to discuss and apply the sermon to teenage life.
StAY also meet on Thursdays
During The Week
Babies and Toddlers
This group runs every Monday morning, during term time, from 10am-11.30am in the church hall. We sing songs, play with toys have drinks and snacks and take time to look at what the Bible has to say to us. Currently we are asking people to register to attend and we have a waiting list, please email for more details.
This group runs every Thursday evening, during term time from 6.30pm - 7.45pm in the church hall.
180 is our club for 7-11’s (school years 3-6) we meet to see what the Bible has to say to us today (altogether and in small groups), to play games, build friendships and enjoy eating snacks together!
This group, for 14-18 year olds (school years 10-13) meets Thursday evenings, during term time from 7.30pm-9pm in the church hall.
During these sessions we have space for games and free time while diving into what the Bible says about God, ourselves, and the world around us.
StAY also meet on Sundays.
This group, meets Friday evenings, during term time from 7pm-8.30pm in the church hall.
AXIS meets to see what God says about the biggest questions in life, with plenty of games, activities, sports and space to hang out. AXIS also meet on Sundays during our 10:30am service.

Saturday BLAST!
This runs on various Saturday's throughout the year. Keep an eye out for the dates!
This is our fun morning, for all the family, where we take over the church hall for games, activities, crafts and lunch, with a short talk from the bible.
Holiday Bible Club
During the school summer holidays we like to run a holiday Bible club, where we learn more about God, Jesus and the Bible and have some great fun playing game, doing crafts and activities.
Also, like our Facebook pages or follow on Instagram for more updates!
St Andrew's Toddlers Facebook Page
St Andrew's Youth Instagram
If you have any questions - please fill out this form below and a member of our childrens and youth team will get back to you as soon as possible.