Archbishop of Canterbury

In the midst of news about the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, our primary concern is for the victims of John Smyth, who were subsequently not supported by the church in the way they should have been. The failure to treat the abuse as seriously as it ought to have been, has added to their suffering, and it is therefore right for the Archbishop to take responsibility, and resign. Please join with us in praying for the survivors, and all those affected by abuse. 
The statement from the Archbishop can be found here.
At St Andrews, we are committed to providing a safe environment for everyone involved in, or connected to, church life. We do so out of love for Christ and one another. The good news of God’s love for us, shown in the person of Jesus, shapes not only our faith, but also our lives as we live out that faith. We are dedicated to embodying that love in the ways we seek to safeguard all those connected with our church.
If anyone has any concerns over someone’s safety at St Andrews, they should contact the parish safeguarding officer right away. If the concerns relate to one of our clergy, or our safeguarding team, please contact Blackburn Diocesan Safeguarding Team. Understanding that reporting abuse may be very difficult, and that not everyone may want to make contact in this way, there are external agencies who can help. The contact details for the parish and diocese safeguarding teams, as well as for the external agencies, can all be found under the “safeguarding” tab on the homepage of the church website.
Jesus came to bring an end to suffering. This is the good news that we have been given to proclaim to the world. As a church family, we are determined to do so in a manner that ensures the safety of all.
Yours in Christ
The Clergy and Wardens of St Andrews Leyland